The North Pole Show, set in Oakland, is "The North Pole is a comedic web series about three best friends born and raised in North Oakland, CA, who struggle to stay rooted as their neighborhood becomes a hostile environment." We will screen the first season, then reflect and analyze on what it means to have this piece of cultural work in this current context.
Note on accessibility: PACA is committed to providing accessible programs, events, and services. Please contact us at [email protected] regarding accommodations - and we’ll do our best to assist. Restrictions to full accessibility will be posted as soon as possible.
The Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance (PACA) is a cooperative whose members are co-ops in the Philadelphia region. PACA is also a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to growing the cooperative economy. Our mission is to improve the lives of people in the Philadelphia region by supporting democratically organized businesses, promoting the principles of the international cooperative movement, and growing the cooperative economy.